Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

June 15, 2010

Small Accident Gives Me the Best Lesson Ever
                One day in my life when I didn’t listen what my mother have said to me. Mother always tells me not to go in the time of Maghrib. She just asked me to pray before I go to some places. Then she totally right about it, I got an accident when I was riding a motorcycle with Dhanik, my best friend. It was very strange when she didn’t get hurt any of her body, but I got terrible injured in my lovely chin. I just cried all the time when I saw my chin was bloody. I felt regret and also embarrassed for my mom. For a while, I didn’t tell her the truth in avoiding her anger. I pray for Allah to heal this scar sooner.
                It has been two years after the accident, and now I see my chin with Keloid on itL. According to Wikipedia,
A keloid is a type of scar which depending on its maturity, is composed mainly of either type III (early) or type I (late) collagen. It is a result of an overgrowth of granulation tissue (collagen type 3) at the site of a healed skin injury which is then slowly replaced by collagen type 1.[1]
I went to see a doctor to help me with my trouble. He said to me to buy one of medicine in the pharmacy. To have the medicine, I spent about four hundred and fifty thousand. At the time, it was very expensive for me, as a student. I dabbed it on my chin twice a day, as the instructions announced. For me, the medicine didn’t help too much in healing my scar. It just worked out to reduce the pain; keloid is still existed in my chin.
                One day, my mother found an article talking about how to heal Keloid by using garlic. She helps me with the garlic; patiently she cuts the garlic and put it on my chin. After couple of days I used garlic as the medicine, I can see some changing happen to my chin. I thought it helped to remove Keloid totally; but I was wrong. It made me getting the pain comes back. I got terrible irritation, my chin became red and it felt little bit itch. It was very disturbed my whole day. The best thing I can do was hold my pillow tightly in trying to remove the pain around my face.
                Today, Keloid makes my day is getting worse. When I was looking for Job, this Keloid became one of questions delivered to me. There are some companies which really care about the appearance. It tells me that there are lots of aspects needed for having the job. I am a jobseeker till I wrote this article.
                Life is must go on whatever the bad thing happened to our life. By having the Keloid, I have so many best lessons I can learn in improving my belief for Allah SWT. There will be negative and also positive effects come to my day. Sometimes, I felt very bad because of the scar I have. This feeling just ruined my every single day. My negative feeling changed since I met Husni, someone who accepts me with my weakness including its Keloid. He is someone who surprised my life with an enormous love he has sent to me. Keloid made me feel unconfident, Husni really loves it instead. It becomes one of reasons for me loving him very well. I’m thankful for him in treating me as someone special, he successfully made me happy. More, he teaches me to see another point of view for everything around. There is always something can be learned by accepting the incident in this life. For me Husni is the best man I have ever known after my daddy. Love you so:)


[1] (dod: october 16, 2012)